Ajinkya Rahane, the "Mr Dependable" of Team India, had kept his love affairs with Radhika Dhopavkar a "secret" till their marraiage that took place in Mumbai on September 26, 2014. Later, Rahane admitted that Radhika was his "childhood love" who encouraged him in various wayAjinkya's fans had never spotted them together partying in any Mumbai clubs as the couple prefered to stay indoors. They used to spend time relaxing with their family members before their
marriageSome of Rahane's friends are of the opinion that the Ajinkya-Radhika marriage was an arranged marriage, as their parents fixed their match. However, the couple got time to know each otherFriends describe Radhika as a simple and a shy Maharashtrian girl who is modest, intelligent and extremely down to earth - a perfect match for Ajinkya, who is also very shy.The Ajinkya-Radhika marriage reception was held at the MCA and almost all the members of Team India and the managing committee attended the event. The wedding created a huge buzz in the media and photos of their marriage were published in various newspapers in the following days.
marriageSome of Rahane's friends are of the opinion that the Ajinkya-Radhika marriage was an arranged marriage, as their parents fixed their match. However, the couple got time to know each otherFriends describe Radhika as a simple and a shy Maharashtrian girl who is modest, intelligent and extremely down to earth - a perfect match for Ajinkya, who is also very shy.The Ajinkya-Radhika marriage reception was held at the MCA and almost all the members of Team India and the managing committee attended the event. The wedding created a huge buzz in the media and photos of their marriage were published in various newspapers in the following days.
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